Vector Calculus, Math 241

Frank Thorne - Fall 2024

University of South Carolina

Instructor: Frank Thorne, thorne [at] math [dot] sc [dot] edu, LeConte 447

Office Hours: Tue 9:30-11:00 and Wed 3:30-5:00, in LeConte 447.

Classroom: Currell 203, 12:00-12:50 MWF. (Don't go to Hamilton! The class was moved.)

Course objectives/learning outcomes:

Successful students will:


Strang, Herman, et al., OpenStax Calculus, Volume 3. View or download it from that link -- freely and legally! Here is a direct PDF link. The book is OER.

A printed copy is not required, but you may buy one from the above link, from the campus bookstore, or from online book sellers. The color version is suggested over the black and white version.

The Thomas book is not required. (It is in most other sections of 241.) If you bought one for this course, please contact the bookstore for a refund.

Written Work:

  • Exams : There will be two in-class midterms; dates will be announced later in the term, at least a week in advance of the exam. The final exam will be given Monday, December 9, 9:00-11:30 as scheduled by the registrar.

    At least half of all exam questions will be taken verbatim from the homework assignments. You should also be prepared for questions that ask you to explain the main concepts of the course and their relation to each other.

    Crib sheets will be allowed: a 4-by-6 index card for each midterm, and an 8 1/2-by-11 sheet of paper for the final exam. You may write anything you like on these, front and back, as long as you prepare and handwrite them yourself, and you don't copy from any other student.

  • Homework : Homework will be assigned approximately weekly. You are not required to turn it in, but:

  • Quizzes: Quizzes will be given approximately once a week, and announced at least one class period in advance.

  • Survey: A survey, separate from the university course evaluations, will be distributed online at the end of the term.

  • Attendance Verification Quiz: You are also required to fill out an "attendance verification quiz" on Blackboard, by university policy. (Details will be announced.)


    Please note. You will be graded both on correctness and on quality of exposition. The standard is that someone who doesn't know the answer should be able to easily follow your work. In particular, you should write in complete English sentences and draw clear diagrams where appropriate. Any work that is confusing, ambiguous, or poorly explained will not receive full credit.

    Grading scale: You are guaranteed at least the following: A = 88+, B+ = 83+, B = 76+, C+ = 71+, C = 64+, D = 50+.

    Please note that my grading scale is more generous than the usual 10-point scale. However, I am a (slightly) stricter grader than most. This is intended to balance out.

      Grade component     % of grade  
      Quiz/Homework:     30%  
      Two midterm exams     20% x 2  
      Final exam     28%  
      End-of-class survey:     2%  

    Course Policies:

    Rough Course Schedule:

    To be updated as the course progresses. Homeworks and other study materials will also be posted here.

    The plan is to cover the following chapters from OpenStax:

    Timing is approximate, and minor changes may be made if necessary. More details will be announced as the course progresses.

    Unfortunately we won't have time to cover the following: