Fourier Analysis -- Math 750

Frank Thorne - Spring 2022

University of South Carolina

Instructor: Frank Thorne, Coliseum 1022D, thorne [at] math [dot] sc [dot] edu.

Classes will be 2:50-4:05, TTh in Coliseum 3005. As the Covid situation dictates, and certainly at the beginning of the semester, they will also be live-streamed through Microsoft Teams. In-person attendance is generally expected, other than during bad Covid surges.

Covid-19 Safety:

If you suspect Covid-19, the university requests that you go through official channels: contact the COVID-19 Student Health Services (SHS) nurse line (803-576-8511), complete the COVID-19 Student Report Form and select the option allowing the Student Ombuds to contact your professors. When talking with the SHS nurse, be sure to ask for documentation of the consult as you will need this to document why you missed class. You will also use the COVID-19 Student Report Form if you have tested positive for COVID-19 or if you have been ordered to quarantine because of close contact with a person who was COVID-19 positive. In each of these situations you will be provided appropriate documentation that can be shared through the Student Report Form.


No attendance policy will be enforced, but consistent attendance -- in person, except as dictated by the Covid situation -- is wise.

Course objectives and learning outcomes:

In Math 750, successful students will:

Office Hours:


The course will closely follow Stein and Shakarchi's Fourier Analysis: An Introduction. I aim to get through at least the first six chapters. Please obtain a copy of the book and follow along.

Microsoft Teams:

The course will heavily use Microsoft Teams for announcements, discussion, file sharing, and chat. Lectures will be livestreamed over Teams and recorded, and lecture notes will be uploaded there as well.

Please either check Teams daily, or have it forward new announcements to your email. You can ask me questions directly via Teams. Although private questions are okay, please ask your question publicly if you are comfortable doing so -- maybe others will be interested in the answer as well!

Course Requirements:

Your grade will be based entirely on homeworks, which will be assigned at most weekly. Most or all problems will be taken from the Stein and Shakarchi book.

Stein and Shakarchi have separate "exercises" and "problems" (which are harder). When feasible, each homework assignment will consist of your choice: several exercises, or one problem.

Students who have passed the comprehensive exam may be excused from all or part of the workload, if your advisor agrees.

Special Accommodations:

If you have a disability, have particular Covid-related concerns, or otherwise need special accommodations, please be in touch with me and I will do my best to accommodate your needs.

Grading Scale:

Homework Assignments:

To be posted, either here or on Microsoft Teams.