Talk Reports: 2016
If you are in my arithmetic geometry course, you are asked to write reports
on at least six talks by external speakers. Here
is the LaTeX for my first report, which you may use as a template if you like.
I will be writing a report on every talk I attend (including internal speakers). Here is my list:
- 766666666622222222222222229950000003333333333311488,
January 21, by Michael Filaseta.
- Counting semidualizing modules,
by Sean Sather-Wagstaff.
- Minuscule varieties and mirror symmetry,
by Sergey Galkin.
- Arithmetic of Invertible Polynomials and Mirror Symmetry, February 8, by Marco Aldi.
- On a constant related to the Prouhet-Tarry-Escott Problem, February 11, by Maria Markovich.
- Hyperkahler manifolds, February 19, by Justin Sawon.
- A linear analogue of Kneser's theorem, February 25, by Qing Xiang.