Office Hours: Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 4:00-5:00 and Thursdays, 11:15-12:15.
Warning. You should expect 5-8 hours of homework a week in this class, which is more than most other instructors assign; in my experience there is no other way to learn the material. Your consistent effort will certainly lead to improved understanding, and it will almost certainly lead to you earning high grades.
Note that you should plan on thoroughly reading the book. I spent a lot of effort picking one that doesn't suck. Just going to the lectures without reading will likely be insufficient to master the course material.
The final exam will on Friday, December 11 at 9:00 a.m. (I will bring coffee to share.)
Warning. I assign a lot of homework.
The homework is intended to take 5-8 hours a week. That is a lot. Please count on making a consistent effort to do well in this class! Starting the night before is a bad idea.
If homework takes you more than 10 hours on any given week, then that is more than I intended; please let me know.
There will be at least one bonus problem on each homework. This is the one and only way you can earn extra credit.
Quizzes will be given each Monday. All quiz problems will be extremely similar to (or taken verbatim from) assigned homework exercises.
Please note. You will be graded both on correctness and on quality of exposition. Indeed, a major focus of Math 544 is the ability to communicate mathematical ideas clearly. The standard is that someone who doesn't know the answer should be able to easily follow your work. In particular, please write in complete English sentences and draw clear diagrams where appropriate. Any work that is confusing, ambiguous, or poorly explained will not receive full credit.
Grading scale: For the homework/quiz, A = 90+, B+ = 85+, B = 78+, C+ = 73+, C = 66+, D = 52+.
For the first midterm, A = 86+, B = 68+, C = 52+, D = 42+.
For future exams, the grading scale will be at least as generous as that for the homework/quizzes, and perhaps more so if the difficulty of the exam warrants it.
Please note that my grading scale is more generous than the usual 10-point scale. However, I am a (slightly) stricter grader than most. This is intended to balance out.
  Grade component   |   % of grade   |
  Two in-class exams   |   20% x 2   |
  Final exam:   |   35%   |   Homework and Quizzes:   |   25%   |
Homework will be due each Monday and there will be a quiz first thing every Monday morning. No makeups or late homeworks will be given, but your two lowest scores will be dropped. Your homework grade will consist of the average score on two problems selected at random. If your quiz grade is lower than your homework grade, then your quiz/homework grade will be the average of these two; if your quiz grade is higher, then that is what will count.
Please note: If you come to office hours, please don't be shy about interrupting me! I'm usually in the middle of something, but it can wait.
If you have a legitimate conflict with any of the exams it is your responsibility to inform me at least a week before the exam. Otherwise makeup exams will be given only in case of documented emergency.
Late homework will not be accepted, and makeup quizzes will not be given, except in cases of medical emergency. Instead, your lowest two grades will be dropped.
Academic honesty and attendance are expected of all students.
Calculators will not be needed or allowed.
1.1: A 5, 11, 16; B 1, 4, 8.
1.2: 1(c-d), 6(a-b), 7(a-b), 10(a-b), 11(a-b), 12(a-b); B 1, 4, 9, 11.
1.3: A 1(a-b), 18; B 2, 7.
1.4: A 5(a-b), 7(a-b), 11; B 11, 12.
1.5: A 1, 5, 9, 14, 20. (Please draw schematic pictures to accompany your solutions!)
1.5: B 1, 3, 4, 5, 9.
2.1: A 1(a-b), 5(b), 7(d).
Quiz 2, with solutions.
2.3: A 1, 3, 4; B 1-8, 11.
2.4: A 1, 6, 8, 17; B 1, 4, 6, 7.
2.5: A 1, 5, 11; B 1, 2, 7.
Quiz 3, with solutions.
2.5: A 9, 12; B 10, 11.
3.1: A 5 (d-f), 8, 9; B 2(d-f), 3(a-b), 4(a-b), 7.
3.2: 5(a-c), 10, 11, 14; B 3, 6, 8, 9.
Bonus: 3.2, B, 16.
Instructions: When describing elementary row operations, just say what you are doing; never mind about the "type".
Quiz 4, with solutions.
4.1: A 3, 5, 7, 8; B 1, 2, 6, 10, 15.
4.2: A 1, 2, 7, 8; B 1, 4.
Bonus: Find a polynomial p(t) such that p(n) and the derivative p'(n) are both equal to n for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. You are welcome to use a calculator or computer. If so, your solution should say what you asked the computer to compute and what the answer was.
Quiz 5, with solutions.
Homework 6, due Monday, October 26.
Lecture notes from October 19.
Quiz 6, with solutions.
Homework 7, due Monday, November 2.
Quiz 7, with solutions.
Lecture notes through October 28.
Study guide for Midterm 2.
4.4: A 1, 4, 7; B 1, 3, 5, 11; 4.5: A 1, 2, 6, 8, 9; B 2, 7, 10.
Quiz 8, with solutions.
4.6: A 2, 6, 8, B 1, 4, 5, 7; 6.2: A 1, 6. 7; B 2, 3, 5.
Quiz 10, with solutions.